Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Policy Change

In the interest of full disclosure, I wanted to inform you all of a policy change occurring on this end of the screen. As the blog continues to gain interest--we've received hits from as far away as Washington D.C., Barcelona, and the Bronx-- Spectator is looking to incorporate this blog more into the mainstream of the paper. As part of putting their full weight behind the effort, Editor in Chief John Davisson and Managing Editor Amanda Erickson have asked--and I have consented--that beginning with this message, they approve posts before they go live.
This blog has always been conducted with the blessing of the editors and I do not anticipate that the approval process will lead to any kind of censorship. (Of course, it's fully possible that I'm not writing this at all, that John and Amanda have tied me up, and are using the blog to manipulate you all into loving Spec. ) John and Amanda are wonderful human beings, God-like in every way.
I have appreciated all of the warm-wishes that I have received in the short time that this blog has been up, and I hope that you all submit comments, ask questions, give feedback, and help me to make this blog as useful as possible.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't think they should be able to approve posts before you publish them; you're on the managing board for goddsakes. They should be able to trust that you will report accurately. I am nervous that they will try and squash your so far candid criticism and opinion of the issue in order to keep Spec even more opaque.

Also, if they want to incorporate this with the rest of the paper, they should get other section editors to get involved. And this is editorjosh, so that can't really fly, right?

I say you demand your rights.