Wednesday, February 21, 2007

JTT and Other Reasons to Go to Class Five Minutes Early

So last night, I forgot that I still had one problem to do for my stats class which meant that I had to wake up early this morning to get the book, finish the problem, and get to class. The long and the short of it is that I ended up in class five minutes early, meaning that I got to talk to the people in my class.
Within five minutes, one girl in the class--who turned out to be the sister of a guy I knew from a past CCSC election--had told me three things I didn't know about which could lead to stories.
Without getting into two much detail--newspapers aren't news if the information they give you was reported days ago on a blog--the girl told me about some fliers on Barnard's campus which I hadn't heard about before that had gotten people talking across Broadway. She only had the basics, so I'm going to head over there after class to read the fliers and maybe make some phone calls.
Second, she gave me an idea for an angle that we can take on our continuing coverage of the Nexus construction.
But finally, and certainly most importantly, she told me that apparently Home Improvement dream boat and the voice of Young Simba from The Lion King Jonathan Taylor Thomas has joined Columbia as a student in the school of General Studies. (As one of Spec's deputy news editors now tells me in one of our epic internal e-mail chains, "yeah, this news was soooo last week...")
So moral of the story: Go to class! You might just walk away with a third-of-a-day's worth of story ideas.

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